Cracks in the wall.

Vehicles, music, climbing, furry dogs, slow dancing, well we have it all right here at all times so come on down and visit the show in Queensland at the hills. “Well that ad was trash”. “Hi your probably wondering who I am ,well I’m the narrator of this story so deal with it, also I hope you enjoy this story bye.


Bang! Bang! Shots all around me I couldn’t believe this could happen all I did was……..Bang! something even louder shot at me and with my last breath I screamed “truce”. The shots stopped, I got up and I went around the pillar I was hiding behind. They ask me “who are you” I reply with “Robin, Robin Willson” they all turn ,then they walked away?









The Night Of Souls

The Night Of Souls



I woke up with a startle. I started to look around when suddenly slice! Boom! A goulash building behind me exploded. With rocks coming at me this could be the end for little old me. Me sweet old Robin in a weird dream after I accidentally hurt an old time wizard. No I was not going to die just yet. I broke into a sprint while getting chased by some weird dark soul. I see a diner in the distance. I quickly take a left turn to face the diner. And then a magical voice in my little head tells me to go to the shop. I get into the diner and ask “wheres the shops”, I panted. To this weird floating person. “She looked like a lost soul” I said. She turned around and, She didn’t have a face. Zoom! I’m back in the market.